Yavneh Day School (Los Gatos, California)

Yavneh Day School is a private K–8 Jewish day school in Los Gatos, California.
The school was founded in 1982. Both Jewish and General Studies are emphasized. Yavneh Day School is a community Jewish day school, accredited by CAIS and a member of PRIZMAH.


Yavneh Day School is committed to academic excellence in General and Jewish studies within a strong, vibrant community where each child is celebrated and challenged. A Yavneh education is about discovering how a child learns in order to maximize each student's potential while fostering curiosity, encouraging risk taking, and ingraining a love of learning.
As a private Jewish school, tuition does not cover all expenses and fund-raising is an important activity. In 2007, the school was honored by the Jewish Funders Network for raising significant sums. The school was similarly recognized by the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education and became a "supported school" of the PEJE undertaking.
In March 2007, it was reported that "Yavneh Day School receives accreditation":


Yavneh Day School is adjacent to the Addison-Penzak Jewish Community Center of the Silicon Valley, on the Levy Family Campus in Los Gatos. The site is the former location of the Ralph O. Berry Elementary School, Los Gatos Union School District, from 1962 until 1980. During the interim between 1980 and its subsequent purchase by its present owner, the site was also the State Headquarters for the project to eradicate the Mediterranean Fruit Fly, a major crisis in the administration of then-Governor Jerry Brown.