Yo-kai Watch Shadowside

Yo-kai Watch Shadowside was a supernatural anime series produced by OLM. It is the sequel to the 2017 film and a proper sequel to the original Yo-kai Watch anime series, originally based on the games created by Level-5. Yōichi Katō returned to officially direct and write the anime alongside new staff. It premiered in all TXN Stations in Japan from April 13, 2018 to March 29, 2019. It was replaced by the 2019 Yo-kai Watch! series in the same timeslot.
Just like the movie before it, the series takes a darker and more mature approach to the franchise, with a much higher focus on the story driven drama and conflict, as opposed to the original series which followed a comedic, segmented approach.


Taking place after the events of the fourth film, the series centers on Keisuke Amano, Natsume's brother who doesn't believe in supernatural phenomena. But as he notices his sister is frequently comes back home late, he decided to stalk her, only to find out she is exorcising evil Yo-kai and running a Yo-kai detective agency. With their secret revealed to him, Natsume decided to let him tag along in her activities as they investigate Yo-kai crimes and take on evil Yo-kai to maintain peace all over the city.
Meanwhile, Shutendoji, accompanied by his Yo-kai bodyguard Doketsu, is in search of the "princess" that he has hoped to unite with, over the events of the anime. They both search for the "princess" while in their human disguises, and observing the actions of the Yo-kai detective agency.


Before the reveal of Shadowside, the original anime saw a decline back in 2017 due to staggeringly low sales of later games in the main series and falling ratings for the first anime. The series was conceived after the production of the film, and was officially revealed in the March 2018 issue of Coro Coro Comic as the film serves as a prequel to the anime and the original anime series following the reported drop of interest to the IP. The anime, like the film that preceded it, follows a much darker route in order to gain interest from older viewers. Alongside the returning characters, two new Yo-kai designs have been revealed. Alongside the new designs, the characters of the film have different voice actors as well. The official promo video was shown in Anime Japan 2018, which details the series's plot.



The anime officially premiered on all TXN stations in Japan, including TV Tokyo and TV Osaka on April 13, 2018, replacing the original Yo-kai Watch anime series in its timeslot, with the first and second episode premiering on the same day as a one-hour special. The first opening theme is titled "Toki o Matou" by Hard Birds while the first ending theme is titled "Funky Boogie Buba" by King Cream Soda. The opening and ending themes were changed on October 5, 2018 to "Susume Shounen! Hyui Hyu" by Hard Birds and "Oyasumi Sanka" by King Cream Soda.
;Episode List
No.TitleOriginal air date

Video game

Yo-kai Watch 4 was developed and published by Level-5 and it has been released on the Nintendo Switch on 20th June 2019 in Japan.