
Zhje or Zhe with descender is a letter of the Cyrillic script. Its form is derived from the Cyrillic letter Zhe with an addition of a descender on its right leg.
Zhje is used in the alphabets of the Dungan, Kalmyk, Tatar and Turkmen languages.
LanguagePosition in alphabetPronunciationRomanization
Kalmyk11th voiced postalveolar affricatej, dzh
Turkmen9th voiced postalveolar affricatej
Dungan10th voiceless retroflex affricate
voiceless alveolo-palatal affricate
zh, ⱬ
Tatar10th voiced alveolo-palatal affricate
voiced alveolo-palatal fricative

Zhje corresponds to the digraphs or used in other Cyrillic alphabets, or to the letters Che with descender, Che with vertical stroke, Dzhe, Khakassian Che, Zhe with breve, or Zhe with diaeresis.

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