Bengali alphabet

The Bengali or Bangla alphabet is the alphabet used to write the Bengali language and has historically been used to write Sanskrit within Bengal. It is quite similar to the Assamese alphabet and other alphabets based on the Bengali–Assamese script.
From a classificatory point of view, the Bengali script is an abugida, i.e. its vowel graphemes are mainly realised not as independent letters, but as diacritics modifying the vowel inherent in the base letter they are added to. Bengali script is written from left to right and lacks distinct letter cases. It is recognisable, as are other Brahmic scripts, by a distinctive horizontal line known as মাত্রা matra running along the tops of the letters that links them together. The Bengali script is however less blocky and presents a more sinuous shape.


The Bengali script can be divided into vowels and vowel diacritics/marks, consonants and consonant conjuncts, diacritical and other symbols, digits, and punctuation marks. Vowels & Consonant are used as alphabet and also diacritical marks.


The Bengali script has a total of 9 vowel graphemes, each of which is called a স্বরবর্ণ swôrôbôrnô "vowel letter". The swôrôbôrnôs represent six of the seven main vowel sounds of Bengali, along with two vowel diphthongs. All of them are used in both Bengali and Assamese languages.
The table below shows the vowels present in the modern inventory of the Bengali alphabet:


Consonant letters are called ব্যঞ্জনবর্ণ bænjônbôrnô "consonant letter" in Bengali. The names of the letters are typically just the consonant sound plus the inherent vowel অ ô. Since the inherent vowel is assumed and not written, most letters' names look identical to the letter itself.
of up to four consonants can be orthographically represented as a typographic ligature called a consonant conjunct. Typically, the first consonant in the conjunct is shown above and/or to the left of the following consonants. Many consonants appear in an abbreviated or compressed form when serving as part of a conjunct. Others simply take exceptional forms in conjuncts, bearing little or no resemblance to the base character.
Often, consonant conjuncts are not actually pronounced as would be implied by the pronunciation of the individual components. For example, adding ল underneath শ shô in Bengali creates the conjunct শ্ল, which is not pronounced shlô but slô in Bengali. Many conjuncts represent Sanskrit sounds that were lost centuries before modern Bengali was ever spoken as in জ্ঞ. It is a combination of জ ǰô and ঞ ñô but it is not pronounced "ǰñô" or "jnô". Instead, it is pronounced ggô in modern Bengali. Thus, as conjuncts often represent sounds that cannot be easily understood from the components, the following descriptions are concerned only with the construction of the conjunct, and not the resulting pronunciation.

Fused forms

Some consonants fuse in such a way that one stroke of the first consonant also serves as a stroke of the next.
Some consonants are written closer to one another simply to indicate that they are in a conjunct together.
Some consonants are compressed when appearing as the first member of a conjunct.
Some consonants are abbreviated when appearing in conjuncts and lose part of their basic shape.
Some consonants have forms that are used regularly but only within conjuncts.
When serving as a vowel mark, উ u, ঊ u, and ঋ ri take on many exceptional forms.
These are mainly the Brahmi-Sanskrit diacritics, phones and punctuation marks present in languages with Sanskrit influence or Brahmi-derived scripts.
খণ্ড ত
khôndô tô
Special character. Final unaspirated dental t
Diacritic. Final velar nasal ng
1. Doubles the next consonant sound without the vowel in দুঃখ dukkhô, the k of খ khô was repeated before the whole খ khô
2. "h" sound at end, examples: এঃ eh!, উঃ uh!
3. Silent in spellings like অন্তঃনগর ôntônôgôr meaning "Inter-city"
4. Also used as abbreviation, like কিঃমিঃ, for the word কিলোমিটার "kilometer", another example can be ডাঃ for ডাক্তার dāktār "doctor"
Diacritic. Vowel nasalizationñ
Diacritic. Suppresses the inherent vowel '
Special character or sign. Used for prolonging vowel sounds
Example1: শুনঽঽঽ shunôôôô meaning "listennnn...", this is where the default inherited vowel sound ô in ন is prolonged.
Example2: কিঽঽঽ? kiiii? meaning "Whatttt...?", this is where the vowel sound i which is attached with the consonant ক is prolonged.
Diacritic. Used with two types of pronunciation in modern Bengali depending on the location of the consonant it is used with within a syllable
Example 1 - When the consonant it is used with is syllable-initial, it acts as the vowel : ত্যাগ is pronounced
Example 2 - When the consonant it is used with is syllable-final, it doubles the consonant: মুখ্য is pronounced
Notably used in transliterating English words with sounding vowels, e.g. ব্ল্যাক "black" and sometimes as a diacritic to indicate non-Bengali vowels of various kinds in transliterated foreign words, e.g. the schwa indicated by a jôfôla, the French u, and the German umlaut ü as উ্য uyô, the German umlaut ö as ও্য oyô or এ্য eyô
ê / yô or
Diacritic. pronounced following a consonant phoneme.r
Diacritic. pronounced preceding a consonant phoneme.r
Diacritic. Used in spellings only if they were adopted from Sanskrit and has two different pronunciations depending on the location of the consonant it is used with
Example 1 - When the consonant it is used with is syllable-initial, it remains silent: স্বাধীন is pronounced as rather than
Example 2 - When the consonant it is used with is syllable-final, it doubles the consonant: বিদ্বান is pronounced and বিশ্ব is pronounced
However, certain Sanskrit sandhis such as 'ঋগ্বেদ', 'দিগ্বিজয়', 'উদ্বেগ', 'উদ্বৃত্ত' are pronounced,,, respectively while usage with the consonant হ defies phonological rules: 'আহ্বান' and 'জিহ্বা' are properly pronounced and rather than and, respectively.
Also used in transliterating Islam-related Arabic words
Note: Not all instances of ব bô used as the last member of a conjunct are bôfôla, for example, in the words অম্বর ômbôr, লম্বা lômba, তিব্বত tibbôt, বাল্ব balb', etc.
Sign. Represents the name of a deity or also written before the name of a deceased person
anji /siddhirôstu''
Sign. Used at the beginning of texts as an invocation

Digits and numerals

The Bengali script has ten numerical digits. Bengali numerals have no horizontal headstroke or মাত্রা "matra".
Hindu-Arabic numerals0123456789
Bengali numerals

Numbers larger than 9 are written in Bengali using a positional base 10 numeral system. A period or dot is used to denote the decimal separator, which separates the integral and the fractional parts of a decimal number. When writing large numbers with many digits, commas are used as delimiters to group digits, indicating the thousand, the hundred thousand or lakh, and the ten million or hundred lakh or crore units. In other words, leftwards from the decimal separator, the first grouping consists of three digits, and the subsequent groupings always consist of two digits.
For example, the English number 17,557,345 will be written in traditional Bengali as ১,৭৫,৫৭,৩৪৫.

Punctuation marks

Bengali punctuation marks, apart from the downstroke দাড়ি dari, the Bengali equivalent of a full stop, have been adopted from western scripts and their usage is similar: Commas, semicolons, colons, quotation marks, etc. are the same as in English. Capital letters are absent in the Bengali script so proper names are unmarked.
An apostrophe, known in Bengali as ঊর্ধ্বকমা urdhbôkôma "upper comma", is sometimes used to distinguish between homographs, as in পাটা pata "plank" and পাʼটা pa'ta "the leg". Sometimes, a hyphen is used for the same purpose.

Characteristics of the Bengali text

Bengali text is written and read horizontally, from left to right. The consonant graphemes and the full form of vowel graphemes fit into an imaginary rectangle of uniform size. The size of a consonant conjunct, regardless of its complexity, is deliberately maintained the same as that of a single consonant grapheme, so that diacritic vowel forms can be attached to it without any distortion. In a typical Bengali text, orthographic words, words as they are written, can be seen as being separated from each other by an even spacing. Graphemes within a word are also evenly spaced, but that spacing is much narrower than the spacing between words.
Unlike in western scripts for which the letter-forms stand on an invisible baseline, the Bengali letter-forms instead hang from a visible horizontal left-to-right headstroke called মাত্রা matra. The presence and absence of this matra can be important. For example, the letter ত and the numeral ৩ "3" are distinguishable only by the presence or absence of the matra, as is the case between the consonant cluster ত্র trô and the independent vowel এ e. The letter-forms also employ the concepts of letter-width and letter-height.
According to Bengali linguist Munier Chowdhury, there are about nine graphemes that are the most frequent in Bengali texts, shown with its percentage of appearance in the adjacent table.


In the script, clusters of consonants are represented by different and sometimes quite irregular forms; thus, learning to read is complicated by the sheer size of the full set of letters and letter combinations, numbering about 350. While efforts at standardising the alphabet for the Bengali language continue in such notable centres as the Bangla Academy at Dhaka and the Pôshchimbônggô Bangla Akademi at Kolkata, it is still not quite uniform yet, as many people continue to use various archaic forms of letters, resulting in concurrent forms for the same sounds. Among the various regional variations within this script, only the Assamese and Bengali variations exist today in the formalised system.
It seems likely that standardisation of the alphabet will be greatly influenced by the need to typeset it on computers. The large alphabet can be represented, with a great deal of ingenuity, within the ASCII character set, omitting certain irregular conjuncts. Work has been underway since around 2001 to develop Unicode fonts, and it seems likely that it will split into two variants, traditional and modern. In this and other articles on Wikipedia dealing with the Bengali language, a Romanization scheme used by linguists specialising in Bengali phonology is included along with IPA transcription. A recent effort by the Government of West Bengal focused on simplifying the Bengali orthography in primary school texts.
There is yet to be a uniform standard collating sequence of Bengali graphemes. Experts in both Bangladesh and India are currently working towards a common solution for the problem.


Romanization of Bengali is the representation of the Bengali language in the Latin script. There are various ways of Romanization systems of Bengali, created in recent years but failed to represent the true Bengali phonetic sound. While different standards for romanisation have been proposed for Bengali, they have not been adopted with the degree of uniformity seen in languages such as Japanese or Sanskrit. The Bengali alphabet has often been included with the group of Brahmic scripts for romanisation in which the true phonetic value of Bengali is never represented. Some of them are the International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration or "IAST system" "Indian languages Transliteration" or ITRANS, and the extension of IAST intended for non-Sanskrit languages of the Indian region called the National Library at Kolkata romanisation.

Sample texts

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Bengali in Bengali alphabet
Bengali in phonetic Romanization
Bengali in IPA


Bengali script was added to the Unicode Standard in October 1991 with the release of version 1.0.
The Unicode block for Bengali is U+0980–U+09FF: