Henry Forbes Bigelow

Henry Forbes Bigelow was a Bostonian architect in the firm Bigelow and Wadsworth. He became a partner in the firm in 1898.


Bigelow was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, the son of Henry Nelson Bigelow and Clarissa Nichols Bigelow. On October 14, 1896, he married Eliza Frothingham Davis,, and then remarried Susan Thayer on June 1, 1912 in Lancaster, Massachusetts. His children by the first marriage were Henry Davis, born Boston, Massachusetts, November 4, 1897; Edward Livingston, born Boston, April 19, 1899; Chandler, born Milton, Massachusetts, July 21, 1900; and Nelson, born Milton, July 21, 1900. His child by the second marriage was Eugen Thayer, born Boston, March 19, 1913.
It appears that Bigelow attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as issue no. 2 of its Architectural Review included designs for a fountain by Henry Forbes Bigelow and W. Proctor, Jr., as well as a design for opera boxes by Henry F. Bigelow.

Works by Bigelow