IFSC Paraclimbing World Championships

The IFSC Paraclimbing World Championships are the biennial world championships for competition climbing for people with disabilities organized by the International Federation of Sport Climbing. This event determines the male and female world champions in various categories.
The first event was organized in Arco in 2011, held together with the IFSC Climbing World Championships.


Classifications and Categories

The classifications and categories of the competition changed over the years. Below is the latest version, quoted from the IFSC 2018 rules.
ClassificationCategoryImpairmentBody partLevel of Impairment
VisualB1VisualBoth EyesBlind competitors
VisualB2VisualBoth EyesCompetitors having a visual acuity of up to 2/60 and/or a visual field of less than 5%
VisualB3VisualBoth EyesCompetitors having a visual acuity between 2/60 and 6/60 and/or a visual field between 5% and 20%.
AmputeeAL-1 Loss of Limb or Limb deficiency2 legsFull or combination of any
AmputeeAL-2Loss of Limb or Limb deficiency1 LegFull, Leg hip joint, Tibia
AmputeeAU-1 Loss of Limb or Limb deficiency2 or 1 arm- 2 arms: Full or combination of any
- 1 arm: Full or amputated of shoulder joint
AmputeeAU-2 Loss of Limb or Limb deficiency1 arm- No forearm
- No Hand
- All fingers
Limited range, power or stability: LRP
RP1HypertoniaAllPermanent spasticity through flexion or extension
Limited range, power or stability: LRP
RP1Impaired Muscle powerAll- Spasticity or severe athetosistic movement from 4 limbs
- Moderate to severe trouble of tonus in 4 limbs
Limited range, power or stability: LRP
RP1AtaxiaAllVery weak strength and / or severe control problem of upper or torso limbs
Limited range, power or stability: LRP
RP2Impaired passive range of movement-Shoulder,
-Junction between shoulder and elbow,
Limited range, power or stability: LRP
RP2HypertoniaAllConsiderably increase of muscular tonus
Limited range, power or stability: LRP
RP2Impaired Muscle powerAll- Trouble of tonus on 2 to 4 limbs
- Moderate to severe trouble of tonus in 2 lower limbs
- Severe troubles of lower limbs creating walking difficulties
Limited range, power or stability: LRP
RP2AthetosisAll- Limited strength and / or moderate control problem of upper or torso limbs
- Correct functional value and negligible control problem of upper or torso limbs
Limited range, power or stability: LRP
RP3Impaired passive range of movement-Elbow,
-Junction between Elbow and Wrist
-Junction between Waist and Knee
-Knee Junction between Knee and ankle
Limited range, power or stability: LRP
RP3HypertoniaAllModerate increase but easily noticeable

A large number of RP conditions are neurological disabilities such as MS, stroke survivors, brain damage and so on. There are a number of competitors who climb similarly to an AL/AU athlete due to a condition/accident that has affected the development or use of a limb, placing them in the RP category instead.
When a category has no competitors entered into it, it doesn't run; but when a category has a few competitors this category gets merged into what is deemed to be a tougher category.

Men's Results



Women's Results

