List of Canadian artists
The following is a list of Canadian artists working in visual or plastic media. See other articles for information on Canadian literature, music, cinema and culture. For more specific information on the arts in Canada, see Canadian art.
The provides an in-depth list of Canadian artists and the museums who feature them. The following is a brief list of some important Canadian artists and groups of artists:
- Kirsten Abrahamson, ceramist
- Marc Adornato, painting, sculpting, performance and new media
- Manasie Akpaliapik, sculptor
- M.J. Alexander, artist
- Vikky Alexander, artist
- Ralph Allen, artist, painter and printmaker
- Stephen Andrews, artist
- Kay Angliss, printmaker, watercolour and fibre art
- Elizabeth Angrnaqquaq, textile artist
- Danielle April
- Robert Archambeau, ceramist
- Shelagh Armstrong, painter
- Kenojuak Ashevak, artist and printmaker
- Myfanwy Ashmore, new media artist
- Barbara Astman, photography and new media
- Frédéric Back, painter, animator
- Joan Balzar, painter
- Marian Bantjes, graphic designer, artist, illustrator, typographer, writer
- Bruce Barber, multimedia installation artist
- Earl W. Bascom, sculptor, painter, printmaker, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
- Robert Bateman, painter, naturalist
- Jay Battle, Canadian-born sculptor now working in Salisbury, England
- Helen D. Beals, painter
- Carl Beam, painter
- Jackson Beardy, painter
- Charles Beil, sculptor
- Sylvie Bélanger, installation artist
- Rebecca Belmore, performance artist, installation artist
- Judith Berry, painter
- Aggie Beynon, metalsmith
- David Bierk, painter
- David Blackwood, printmaker
- David Blatherwick, painter, video artist
- Molly Lamb Bobak, painter, printmaker
- Catherine Bolduc, drawing, sculpture, installation, public art
- Theodosia Bond, photography
- Jordi Bonet, sculptor, muralist
- Paul-Émile Borduas, painter
- Simone Mary Bouchard, painter, textile artist
- Céline Boucher
- John Boxtel, sculpture, woodcarving
- Shary Boyle, sculpture, painting, drawing, performance
- Barry Bradfield, cartoonist
- Roland Brener, sculptor
- Mark A. Brennan, landscape painter
- AA Bronson, mixed-media artist
- William Brymner, painter
- Karin Bubaš, painter, photographer
- Cecil Tremayne Buller, printmaker
- Martin Bureau, multimedia
- Ralph Wallace Burton, painter
- Edward Burtynsky, photographer
- Jack Bush, painter
- Elaine Cameron-Weir, visual artist
- Janet Cardiff, installation artist
- James Carl, sculptor
- Florence Carlyle, painter
- Franklin Carmichael, member of the Group of Seven
- Emily Carr, painter
- Ian Carr-Harris, installation artist
- Gino Cavicchioli, sculptor, artist
- Christiane Chabot, artist
- Cynthia Chalk, nature photography
- Jack Chambers, artist and filmmaker
- Robert Chaplin, artist, publisher
- Benjamin Chee Chee, artist
- Yucho Chow, photographer
- Daniel Cockburn, video artist, performance artist, film director
- Keith Cole, performance artist
- Nicole Collins, painter
- Alex Colville, painter
- Stephanie Comilang, artist and filmmaker
- Christian Corbet, painter, sculptor
- Sonia Cornwall, painter
- Bruno Cote, painter
- Douglas Coupland, sculptural installation
- Josephine Crease, painter
- Marlene Creates, artist
- Susan Reynolds Crease, painter and women's rights activist
- Donigan Cumming, multimedia artist
- Greg Curnoe, painter, musician
- George Cuthbertson, marine artist, researcher, author
- Karen Dahl ceramist
- Greta Dale, sculptor
- Frederick Dally, photographer
- Ken Danby, painter
- Charles Daudelin, sculptor, painter
- Olea Marion Davis, ceramist, sculptor
- Raven Davis, multimedia and mixed media artist
- Dennis Day, video artist
- Forshaw Day, landscape artist, printmaker
- Nicholas Raphael de Grandmaison, painter
- Eric Deis, photographer
- Roseline Delisle, ceramist
- Berthe des Clayes, painter
- Bonnie Devine, Ojibway installation artist, performance artist, and sculptor
- Walter Dexter, ceramist
- Yuri Dojc, photographer
- Stan Douglas, installation artist
- Kyle Bobby Dunn, sound artist, composer, painter
- Aganetha Dyck, sculptor, installation artist
- Marcel Dzama, artist
- Susan Edgerley, glass artist
- Arthur Elliot, watercolourist
- Emily Louise Orr Elliott, oil painter and fashion designer
- Arthur John Ensor, painter
- Evergon, photographer and photo-collage
- Paterson Ewen, painter
- Ivan Eyre, painter
- Barker Fairley, painter, writer
- Lilias Farley, painter
- Geoffrey Farmer, installation artist
- Caroline Farncomb, painter
- André Fauteux, sculptor
- Marcelle Ferron, painter, glazier
- George Fertig, painter
- Peter Flinsch, painter, sculptor, television set designer
- Marc-Aurèle Fortin, painter
- Leonard Frank, photographer
- Statira Elizabeth Frame, painter
- Louise Landry Gadbois, painter
- Yechel Gagnon, mixed media artist
- Marianna Gartner, painter
- Carlo Gentile, photographer
- Will Gill, sculptor, painter, photographer and video artist
- Violet Gillett, painter
- Joseph Giunta, painter, collage/assemblage artist
- Gerald Gladstone, sculptor, painter
- Eric Goldberg, painter
- Dina Goldstein, visual artist
- Noam Gonick, filmmaker
- Betty Goodwin, printmaker, sculptor, paint
- Hortense Gordon, painter
- K.M. Graham, painter
- Rodney Graham, photographer, installation artist
- Pierre Granche, sculptor
- Angela Grossmann, painter
- Aline Gubbay, photographer, art historian
- Suzanne Guité, sculptor, painter
- Samra Habib, photographer
- Bess Larkin Housser Harris,, painter
- Lawren Harris, painter
- Paul Hartal, painter, poet
- Douglas Haynes
- Fred Herzog, photographer
- Colleen Heslin, painter
- Carle Hessay, painter
- Barbara Roe Hicklin, painter
- Gilah Yelin Hirsch, multi-disciplinary artist
- William G. Hobbs, painter, historian
- Elizabeth Bradford Holbrook, sculptor
- Edwin Holgate, painter
- Elsie Holloway, photographer
- Margaret Lindsay Holton, painter, pinhole photographer, writer
- Frances Anne Hopkins, painter
- Robin Hopper, ceramist
- Robert Houle, First Nations artist
- Barbara Howard, RCA, painter, wood engraver
- Alexander Hryshko, photographer
- Simone Hudon-Beaulac, painter, printmaker
- Osuitok Ipeelee, sculptor
- Gershon Iskowitz, painter
- A. Y. Jackson, painter
- Sybil Henley Jacobson, British-born Canadian painter
- Mendelson Joe, painter, musician
- G.B. Jones, illustrator, visual artist, experimental filmmaker
- Leonel Jules, painter
- Brian Jungen, sculptor, installation artist
- Dusan Kadlec, painter
- Yousuf Karsh, photographer
- Ali Kazimi, filmmaker and media artist
- Shelagh Keeley, visual artist
- Augustus Kenderdine, landscape and portrait artist
- Alicia Killaly, painter
- Roy Kenzie Kiyooka, painting, performance, multi-media, photography
- Dorothy Knowles,, painter
- John Koerner,, painter
- Germaine Koh, conceptual artist
- Valérie Kolakis, sculpture, installation
- Cornelius Krieghoff, painter
- Nobuo Kubota, multimedia
- Maya Kulenovic, painter
- William Kurelek, painter
- Stephen Lack, actor, painter
- Sylvie Laliberté, performance artist, video artist, musician
- Cal Lane, sculptor
- Jules Lasalle, sculptor
- Ozias Leduc, painter
- Elizabeth Lefort, tapestry artist
- Joseph Légaré, painter
- Enid Legros-Wise, ceramist
- Jean Paul Lemieux, painter
- Michel Lemieux, multimedia artist
- Serge Lemoyne, painter
- Beatrice Lennie, sculptor
- Laura L. Letinsky, photographer
- Mark Lewis, installation and film artist
- Maud Lewis, painter
- Robert Henry Lindsay, painter
- Robert Linsley, painter and writer
- Oleg Lipchenko
- Arthur Lismer, painter
- Glen Loates, painter and coin designer
- Judith Lodge, painter and photographer
- Karen Lofgren, painter
- Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, installation artist
- Attila Richard Lukacs, painter
- James Lumbers, painter
- Almuth Lütkenhaus
- Landon Mackenzie, painter
- Sarah Jean Munro Maclean, painter
- Rafał Malczewski, landscape and portrait painter
- Charles Marega, sculptor
- Âhasiw Maskêgon-Iskwêw, media artist
- Elizabeth McGillivray Knowles, painter
- Arnaud Maggs, photographer
- Liz Magor, visual artist
- Lorraine Malach, ceramist
- Jen Mann, portrait artist
- Arthur N. Martin, painter
- Bernice Fenwick Martin, painter, printmaker
- Thomas Mower Martin, landscape painter
- Hannah Maynard, photographer
- Richard Maynard, photographer
- Doris McCarthy, painter, printmaker
- Ryan McCourt, sculptor, designer
- Elizabeth McIntosh, painter
- Rita McKeough, installation and performance artist
- Helen McNicoll, painter
- Ray Mead, painter, member of Painters Eleven
- Ivar Mendez, photographer and sculptor
- Gwendolyn Mews, painter
- Janet Mitchell, painter
- Arnold Mikelson, wood sculptor
- Kenneth G. Mills, painter
- David Milne, painter
- Ellen Moffat, mixed media artist
- Leo Mol
- Guido Molinari, painter
- E. Louise De Montigny-Giguère, sculptor
- Edmund Montague Morris, painter
- Norval Morrisseau, painter
- Rita Mount, painter
- Jean-Paul Mousseau, painter, ceramist, muralist
- Kathleen Munn, painter
- Will Munro, artist
- Paula Murray, ceramist
- Robert Murray, sculptor
- Mina Napartuk, textile artist
- Alison Houston Lockerbie Newton, painter
- Jack Nichols, painter
- Grace Nickel, ceramist
- Arnold Nogy, painter
- Alice Nolin, sculptor
- Naveed Nour, Iranian-Canadian/American photographer
- Elizabeth Styring Nutt, painter
- John O'Brien, marine painter
- Lucius Richard O'Brien, painter, illustrator, first President of the Royal Canadian Academy
- Will Ogilvie, painter, war artist, Order of Canada
- Katie Ohe, sculptor
- Kim Ondaatje, painter, filmmaker
- Nina May Owens, painter
- Charles Pachter, artist, filmmaker, social commentator
- Aaron Paquette, painter and writer
- Mimi Parent, painter
- Andrew James Paterson, interdisciplinary artist
- Paul Peel, painter
- William Perehudoff, painter
- Marjorie Pigott, painter
- Robert Pilot, painter
- Narcisse Poirier, painter
- Christopher Pratt, painter
- Mary Pratt, painter
- Ned Pratt, photographer
- George Raab, printmaker
- Nina Raginsky, photographer
- Gladys Reeves, photographer
- Don Reichert, painter, multimedia artist
- Bill Reid, sculptor
- Kelly Richardson, video artist, photographer
- Jean-Paul Riopelle, painter
- Mélanie Rocan, painter
- David Rokeby, new media artist
- William Ronald, painter
- Ethel Rosenfield, sculptor
- Endel Ruberg, artist, educator
- Erica Rutherford, painter, filmmaker, writer
- Carl Schaefer, painter, war artist
- Tony Scherman, painter
- Charlotte Schreiber, painter
- Jacques Schyrgens, painter, illustrator
- Regina Seiden, painter
- Jack Shadbolt, painter
- Henrietta Shore, painter
- Coral Short, performance artist
- Joe Shuster, cartoonist, co-creator of Superman
- Dave Sim, comic book artist
- James Simpkins, cartoonist, illustrator, film strips
- Damien Smith, visual artist
- Freda Pemberton Smith, painter
- Gord Smith, sculptor
- Gordon A. Smith, painter, printmaker, sculptor
- Michael Snow, painter, filmmaker, musician
- David G. Sorensen, painter, sculptor
- Gerald Squires, painter, printmaker, sculptor
- Helen Stadelbauer, painter
- Arlene Stamp, two-dimensional artist and designer
- Owen Staples, painter, etcher, political cartoonist
- Godfrey Stephens, painter, sculptor, boat builder
- Reva Stone, digital artist
- Rudolf Stussi, painter
- Jack Sures, ceramist
- Marc Aurèle de Foy Suzor-Coté, painter, sculptor
- Ginny Stikeman, filmmaker
- Ewa Tarsia, painter, printmaker
- Ningeokuluk Teevee, illustrator
- Genevieve Thauvette, photographer
- , photo-based storyteller
- Tom Thomson, painter
- Gentile Tondino, painter
- Jackie Traverse, painter
- Julie Tremble, animator, experimental videographer
- Ina D.D. Uhthoff, painter
- Armand Vaillancourt, performance art, sculptor, painter
- Frederick Varley, painter
- Bill Vazan, land art, sculptor, photographer, painter
- Claude Vermette, painter, ceramist
- Frederick Arthur Verner, painter
- Arthur Villeneuve, painter
- Ola Volo, muralist
- Ruth Salter Wainwright, painter
- Horatio Walker, painter
- Jeff Wall, photographer
- Margaret Watkins, photographer
- Homer Watson, painter
- Phil R. White, sculptor
- Peter and Catharine Whyte, painters
- Joyce Wieland
- Robert Wiens, painter and sculptor
- Peter Wilkins, multimedia artist
- Yvonne Williams, stained glass artist
- Jeff Willmore, painter and performance artist
- Robert Willms
- Anna Wong, printmaker
- Hilda Woolnough, etching and graphics
- Kamila Wozniakowska, painter
- Andrew Wright, multimedia artist
- Dana Wyse, installation artist
- Gu Xiong, multidisciplinary artist
- Xiaojing Yan, sculptor, installation artist
- Cecil Youngfox
- Jarko Zavi, ceramist
- Joy Zemel Long, painter
- Robert Zend, typewriter, collage, multimedia, and digital artist; concrete poet
- Lorena Ziraldo, painter
- Edward "Ted" Fenwick Zuber, painter, photographer
- Les Automatistes
- Canadian Group of Painters
- Eastern Group of Painters
- General Idea
- Group of Seven
- Painters Eleven
- Professional Native Indian Artists Inc.
- Regina Five
- The Royal Art Lodge
- Max Stern, art dealer