List of Marvel Comics nicknames

Editor-in-Chief Stan Lee was known for bestowing humorous nicknames on himself, as well as Marvel's other creators, members of the "Bullpen," and various staff members. Later editors-in-chief like Roy Thomas and Archie Goodwin continued the tradition, until Jim Shooter discontinued the practice in the 1980s. It was re-established by Mark Gruenwald when he started editing "Bullpen Bulletins" in the late 1980s. The convention was inspired, at least in part, by a Hollywood tradition, where character actors in particular were given colorful nicknames to aid in their name recognition.
Monikers like Stan "The Man" Lee and Jack "King" Kirby permeated into mass culture. This is a list of those nicknames.
Dan AdkinsPenciler, Inker"Dandy" Dan Adkins
Alfredo AlcalaPenciler, Inker"Awesome" Alfredo Alcala
Vicente AlcazarArtist"Vulcanizin'" Vicente Alcazar
Arthur AdamsArtist"Amazing" Art Adams
Neal AdamsArtist"Nefarious" Neal Adams
Bill AndersonInker"Wild" Bill Anderson
Craig AndersonEditor"Credible" Craig Anderson
Ross AndruArtistRoss "Boss" Andru
Adam Austin
a.k.a. Gene Colan
Artist"Artistic" Adam Austin
Terry AustinInker"Timorous" Terry Austin
"Terrific" Terry Austin
Terry "Cloak Dagger" Austin
Dick AyersInker"Darlin'" Dick Ayers
Gary BarnumAssistant Editor"Gallant" Gary Barnum
Naomi BasnerOperations assistant"Nimble" Naomi Basner
Howard BenderArtist"Humble" Howard Bender
Mary Ellen BeveridgeEditorial assistant, Colorist"Mellow" Mary Ellen Beveridge
Beth BleckleyEditorial assistant, Letterer"Beaming" Beth Bleckley
Bret BlevinsPenciller, InkerBret "Dark Crystal" Blevins
Wayne BoringArtist"Duke" Wayne Boring
Tom BrevoortEditor"Titanic" Tom Brevoort
Sol BrodskyProduction manager,
Vice president, operations
Sol "Who's He?" Brodsky
"Jolly" Solly Brodsky
Bob BrownArtist"Battlin'" Bob Brown
Eliot R. BrownArtist, Assistant EditorEliot "Mr. Technical" Brown
Frank BrunnerArtist"Far Out'" Frank Brunner
Rich BucklerArtist"Roarin'" Rich Buckler
"Riotous" Rich Buckler
Bob BudianskyWriter, Artist"Bouncing" Bob Budiansky
John BuscemaArtist"Big" John Buscema
"Jovial" John Buscema
Sal BuscemaArtist"Our Pal" Sal Buscema
John ByrneArtist"Jocular" John Byrne
"Corruscatin' Canajan"
Joey CavalieriEditor"Jolly" Joey Cavalieri
Tony CernigliaMailroom supervisor"Titanic" Tony Cerniglia
Cleo Caron ChanErnie Chan's daughter"Captivatin'" Cleo
Ernie ChanArtist"Earnest" Ernie Chan
Bobbie ChaseEditor"Battling" Bobbie Chase
"Breathtaking" Bobbie Chase
Howard ChaykinArtist"Wholesome" Howie Chaykin
Dan ChichesterEditor, Writer"Daring" Dan Chichester
Chris ClaremontWriter"Cheerful" Chris Claremont
"Charismatic" Chris Claremont
"Clever" Chris Claremont
Dave CockrumArtist"Dynamic" Dave Cockrum
"Daring" Dave Cockrum
"Delightful" Dave Cockrum
Paty CockrumProduction staffer"Peerless" Paty
"Pulchritudinous" Paty
Dave CohenAssistant production manager"Dependable" Dave Cohen
Gene ColanArtistGene "The Dean" Colan
"Gentleman" Gene Colan
"Genial" Gene Colan
Vince CollettaInkerVince "The Prince" Colletta
"Valiant" Vince Colletta
Ernie ColónArtist"Ever-Ready" Ernie Colon
Gerry ConwayWriter"Merry" Gerry Conway
"Gallopin'" Gerry Conway
Martha ConwaySecretary"Memorable" Martha Conway
Danny CrespiLetterer,
Assistant production manager
"Dubious" Danny Crespi
Dan CuddyAssistant editor"Delirious" Dan Cuddy
Mickey Demeo
a.k.a. Mike Esposito
Inker"Mirthful" Mick Demeo
Davida DaleArt production staffer"Devastating" Davida Dale
Tom DeFalcoEditor-in-chief"Two-Fisted" Tom DeFalco
"Titanic" Tom DeFalco
Suzanne Dell'OrtoAssistant editor"Sizzling" Suzanne Dell'Orto
Tony DeZunigaArtist"Temendously-Talented" Tony DeZuniga
"Trailblazin'" Tony DeZuniga
James DiGiovanniAssistant Editor"Joshing" James DiGiovanni
"Slim" Jim DiGiovanni
Steve DitkoArtist"Shy" Steve Ditko
"Sturdy" Steve Ditko
Karen DoughertyLetterer"Kuddly" Karen Dougherty
Arnold DrakeWriter"Artful" Arnold Drake
Jo DuffyEditorial assistant, Writer, Editor"Gentle" Jo Duffy
"Mannerly" Mary Jo Duffy
Barry DutterAssistant Editor"Big" Barry Dutter
Scott EdelmanAssistant editor"Sparkling" Scott Edelman
Steve EnglehartWriter"Stainless" Steve Englehart
"The Stainless One"
"Stalwart" Steve Englehart
"Sturdy" Steve Englehart
Mike EspositoPenciler, Inker"Mighty" Mike Esposito
Bill EverettArtist"Wild" Bill Everett
Eric FeinAssistant editor"Exuberant" Eric Fein
Danny FingerothEditor"Dandy" Danny Fingeroth
"Uncanny" Danny Fingeroth
Michael FleisherWriter"Macabre" Michael Fleisher
Irving Forbush"World's most famous non-entity""Honest" Irving Forbush
Gary FriedrichWriter"Groovy" Gary Friedrich
Mike FriedrichWriter"Mischievous" Mike Friedrich
Carl GaffordColoristCarl "The Gaff" Gafford
John GalvinMailroom employee"Hopalong" John Galvin
Steve GanArtist"Startling" Steve Gan
"Socko" Steve Gan
"Smashing" Steve Gan
Steve GerberWriter,
Consulting Editor
Steve "Baby" Gerber
Frank GiacoiaInker"Fearless" Frank Giacoia
Michael GoldenArtist"Magical" Mike Golden
Archie GoodwinEditor"Amiable" Archie Goodwin
"Artful" Archie Goodwin
"Affable" Archie Goodwin
Chip GoodmanMarvel merchandising manager"Cheerful" Chip Goodwin
Martin GoodmanPublisher"Merry" Marty Goodman
Al GordonInker"Able" Al Gordon
Billy GrahamPenciller, Inker"Irreverent" Billy Graham
Lenny GrowProduction Chief"Liltin'" Lenny Grow
Mark GruenwaldEditor"Masterful" Mark Gruenwald
"Madcap" Mark Gruenwald
Paul GulacyPenciler"Peerless" Paul Gulacy
Bob HallWriter, Editor"Beaming" Bob Hall
"Battlin'" Bob Hall
"Broadway" Bob Hall
Larry HamaArtist"Lethal" Larry Hama
"Lucky" Larry Hama
Ed HanniganPenciller, Writer,
Assistant Editor
"Edwardian" Ed Hannigan
"Energetic" Ed Hannigan
"Edifying" Ed Hannigan
Jim HarmonEditor"Big" Jim Harmon
John HayesBusiness manager,
Circulation director
"Genial" Johnny Hayes
Don HeckPenciler, Inker"Dashing" Don Heck
"Dazzling" Don Heck
Mark HeikePencilerMark "Hut-Hut" Heike
Mike HeislerLetterer"Marvelous" Mike Heisler
Glenn HerdlingAssistant Editor"Gargantuan" Glenn Herdling
Carmine InfantinoPenciler"Creative" Carmine Infantino
Sharon IngProduction assistant"Shimmering" Sharon Ing
Tony IsabellaWriter, EditorTony "The Tiger" Isabella
Geof IsherwoodInker"Jubilant" Geof Isherwood
Sid JacobsonEditor"Scintillating" Sid Jacobson
Debra JamesLetterer"Dazzling" Debra James
Klaus JansonInker"Santa" Klaus Janson
Arthur Jeffrey"Defender of the faith""Admirable" Arthur Jeffrey
Carla JosephSecretary"Cute" Carla Joseph
Gil KanePencilerGil "Sugar" Kane
Gil "Sugar Lips" Kane
"Garrulous" Gil Kane
Hellen KatzAssistant Editor"Heavenly" Hellen Katz
Jack KirbyPenciler, WriterJack "King" Kirby
"Jolly" Jack Kirby
"The Jolly One"
"Jumpin'" Jack Kirby
David Anthony KraftWriterDave "The Dude" Kraft
Mike KudzinowskiMailroom employeeMike "Great K" Kudzinowski
Alan KupperbergArtist"Audacious" Alan Kupperberg
Al KurzrokWriter, Production dept. staffer"Affable" Al Kurzrok
Paul LaikinEditor"Possessed" Paul Laikin
Bob LarkinArtist"Battlin'" Bob Larkin
Jim LeePencillerJim "Don't Call Me Happy" Lee
Stan LeePublisher, Editor-in-chief,
Writer, Editor
Stan "The Man" Lee
"Smilin'" Stan Lee
Steve LeialohaArtist"Surfer'" Steve Leialoha
Steve "Coyote" Leialoha
Larry LieberWriter"Laughin'" Larry Lieber
"Larrupin'" Larry Lieber
Daniel LocarioMailroom employeeDaniel "Poppy" Locario
Ralph MacchioEditor"Reliable" Ralph Macchio
Tom MandrakePenciller, InkerTom "New Mutants" Mandrake
Bill MantloWriter"Brave-Hearted" Bill Mantlo
"Boisterous" Bill Mantlo
"The Boisterous One"
Karen MantloLetterer"Karefree" Karen Mantlo
"Kittenish" Karen Mantlo
Pablo MarcosInker"Prolific" Pablo Marcos
Rick MarschallEditor"Rakish" Rick Marschall
Dwayne McDuffieWriter/Editor"Daring" Dwayne McDuffie
Todd McFarlaneWriter/Artist"Tumultuous" Todd McFarlane
Don McGregorWriter"Dauntless" Don McGregor
"Dutiful" Don McGregor
Dickie McKenzieProofreader"Dazzling" Dickie McKenzie
Roger McKenzieWriter"Rebel" Roger McKenzie
"Ramblin'" Roger McKenzie
Marcus McLaurinManaging editor"Mad" Marcus McLaurin
David MichelinieWriter"The Deliberate One"
"Deliberate" Dave
Al MilgromArtist"Amiable" Al Milgrom
"Affable" Al Milgrom
"Mighty" Al Milgrom
"Big" Al Milgrom
Frank MillerArtist"Lanky" Frank Miller
Doug MoenchWriter"Devil-May-Care" Doug Moench
Jim MooneyPenciler, Inker"Gentleman" Jim Mooney
"Jaunty" Jim Mooney
Jim "Madman" Mooney
Nancy MurphySubscription manager"Nifty" Nancy Murphy
Mindy NewellAssistant Editor"Merry" Mindy Newell
Alex NiñoArtist"Active" Alex Niño
Earl NoremArtist"Earnest" Earl Norem
Jim NovakLetterer"Diamond" Jim Novak
Glynis OliverColorist"Gracious" Glynis Oliver
Dennis O'NeilWriter"Dandy" Denny O'Neil
Tom OrzechowskiLetterer"Titanic" Tom Orzechowski
"Terrific" Tom Orzechowski
"Tough" Tom Orzechowski
Tom PalmerInker"Terrific" Tom Palmer
Bruce PattersonInker"Brash" Bruce Patterson
George PérezArtistGeorge "Pacesetter" Pérez
"Gorgeous" George Pérez
Don PerlinArtist"Dutiful" Don Perlin
"Whirlin'" Don Perlin
"Dapper" Don Perlin
Andrew PerryAssistant Editor"Agonizing" Andrew Perry
Mike PloogArtist"Madcap" Mike Ploog
"Maniacal" Mike Ploog
Keith PollardPenciller"Punch 'Em Up" Keith Pollard
"Klobbering" Keith Pollard
"Creative" Keith Pollard
Ralph ReeseArtist"Roisterous" Ralph Reese
Frank RobbinsArtist"Free-Wheelin'" Frank Robbins
Diane RodrigoSubscriptions dept. assistant"Dimply" Diane Rodrigo
John Romita, Jr.Penciller"Jet-propelled" John Jr.
"Jubilant" John Romita, Jr.
John Romita, Sr.ArtistJohnny "Ring-A-Ding" Romita
"Jaunty" Johnny Romita
"Jazzy" John Romita
"The Jazzy One"
Sam RosenLetterer"Swingin'" Sammy Rosen
Sammy "Dosin'" Rosen
Werner RothArtist"Wondrous" Werner Roth
George RoussosColorist"Genuine" George Roussos
Mike RoyerInker"Madman" Mike Royer
Joe RubinsteinInkerJoe "The Rube" Rubinstein
Jim SalicrupEditor"Slim" Jim Salicrup
"Arachnerd" Jim Salicrup
Michael SandyProduction staffer"Dandy" Michael Sandy
Stu SchwartzbergWriter"Sturdy" Stu Schwartzberg
John SeverinArtist"Jovial" John Severin
"Long" John Severin
Marie SeverinArtist"Mirthful" Marie Severin
"Magnificent" Marie Severin
"Madcap" Marie Severin
Marie "the She" Severin
"Marvel-ous" Marie Severin
Dave SharpeLettererDave "The Lettering Guy" Sharpe
Jim ShooterWriter, Editor-in-ChiefBig Jim
Jim "Trouble" Shooter
"Gigantic" Jim Shooter
"Jaunty Jimmy" Shooter
Jim "Straight" Shooter
Sonja SkarstedtWriter, Artist"Red" Sonja Skarstedt
Doris SieglerBookkeeper"Delicious" Doris Siegler
Artie SimekLetterer"Adorable" Artie Simek
Artie "The Smartie" Simek
Joe SinnottInker"Joltin'" Joe Sinnott
"Jolly" Joe Sinnott
Evan SkolnickEditor"Evanescent" Evan Skolnick
Frank SpringerArtist"Fearless" Frank Springer
"Fancy" Frank Springer
Jim StarlinArtist"Judo" Jim Starlin
Flo SteinbergCorresponding secretary"Fabulous" Flo Steinberg
Jim SterankoWriter, Artist"Jaunty" Jim Steranko
The Jaunty One
Roger SternAssistant Editor, WriterRoger "Sterno" Stern
Terry StewartPresident"Merry" Terry Stewart
Chic StoneInkerChic "Magnet" Stone
"Cheerful" Chic Stone
Warren StorobProduction staffer"Wandering" Warren Storob
John TartaglioneArtist,
Production staffer
"Jumping" John Tartaglione
Linda TaxelAdministrative assistant"Lilting" Linda Taxel
Roy ThomasEditor, Writer"Rascally" Roy Thomas
Frank ThorneArtist"Fightin'" Frank Thorne
Herb TrimpeArtist"Happy" Herb Trimpe
"Howlin'" Herb Trimpe
Mike TrimpeInker"Madcap" Mike Trimpe
Sonny TrinidadPenciler"Slammin'" Sonny Trinidad
Lisa TrusianiEditor, Writer"Lovely'" Lisa Trusiani
Sara TuchinskyAssistant Editor"Sassy" Sara Tuchinsky
George TuskaArtist"Gorgeous" George Tuska
Brad VancataColoristBrad "I'm Gonna Have Fun With This One" Vancata
Irene VartanoffColorist, Reprint production manager"Impish" Irene Vartanoff
John VerpoortenProduction manager"Jumbo" John Verpoorten
Mike VosburgArtist"Meticulous" Mike Vosburg
Don WarfieldColorist"Dashing" Don Warfield
John WarnerEditor, Writer"Joltin'" John Warner
"Joyful" John Warner
Len WeinWriter"Live-It-Up" Len Wein
"Lively" Len Wein
"The Lively One"
Dave WenzelArtist"Dashing" Dave Wenzel
Bob WiacekInker"Bumptious" Bob Wiacek
Bonnie WilfordColorist"Bashful" Bonnie Wilford
Ron WilsonPenciler"Rampaging" Ron Wilson
Barry Windsor-SmithArtist"Bashful" Barry Smith
Marv WolfmanWriter, Editor"Marvelous" Marv Wolfman
"The Marvelous One"
"The Wandering Wolfman"
Michele WolfmanColorist"Meticulous" Michele Wolfman
Wally WoodArtist"Wandering" Wally Wood
Gregory WrightEditor"Grouchy" Gregory Wright
Bernie WrightsonArtist"Bashful" Bernie Wrightson
Andy YanchusColorist"Handy" Andy Yanchus
Nelson YomtovColorist"'Nuff Said" Nelson Yomtov
Nel "Why Does My Last Name Sound Like Something Out of Starblazers?" Yomtov
Mike ZeckArtist"Miraculous" Mike Zeck
Dwight Jon ZimmermanAssistant editor"Diligent" Dwight Jon Zimmerman