Valencian language

Valencian or Valencian language is the official, historical and traditional name used in the Valencian Community, and extra-officially in the El Carche comarca in Murcia, to refer to the Romance language also known as Catalan. The Valencian Community's 1982 Statute of Autonomy and the Spanish Constitution officially recognise Valencian as the regional language.
As a glottonym, it is used for referring either to the language as a whole or to the Valencian specific linguistic forms. According to philological studies, the varieties of this language spoken in the Valencian Community and El Carche cannot be considered a dialect restricted to these borders: the several [|dialects of Valencian] belong to the Western group of Catalan dialects. Valencian displays transitional features between Ibero-Romance languages and Gallo-Romance languages. Its similarity with Occitan has led many authors to group it under the Occitano-Romance languages.
There is a [|political controversy within the Valencian Community] regarding its status as a glottonym or as a language on its own, since official reports show that slightly more than half of the people in the Valencian Community consider it as a separate language, different from Catalan, although the same studies show that this percentage decreases dramatically among younger generations and people with higher studies. According to the 2006 Statute of Autonomy Valencian is regulated by the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua, by means of the Castelló rules, which adapt the Catalan orthography to the Valencian idiosyncrasies. Due to not having been officially recognised for a long time, the number of speakers has severely decreased, and the influence of Spanish has led to the adoption of a huge amount of loanwords.
Some of the most important works of Valencian literature experienced a golden age during the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Important works include Joanot Martorell's chivalric romance Tirant lo Blanch, and Ausiàs March's poetry. The first book produced with movable type in the Iberian Peninsula was printed in the Valencian variety. The earliest recorded chess game with modern rules for moves of the queen and bishop was in the Valencian poem Scachs d'amor.

Official status

The official status of Valencian is regulated by the Spanish Constitution and the Valencian Statute of Autonomy, together with the :ca:Llei d'Ús i Ensenyament del Valencià|Law of Use and Education of Valencian.
Article 6 of the Valencian Statute of Autonomy sets the legal status of Valencian, providing that:
The :ca:Llei d'Ús i Ensenyament del Valencià|Law of Use and Education of Valencian develops this framework, providing for implementation of a bilingual educational system, and regulating the use of Valencian in the public administration and judiciary system, where citizens can freely use it when acting before both.
Valencian is recognised under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages as "Valencian".

Distribution and usage


Valencian is not spoken all over the Valencian Community. Roughly a quarter of its territory, equivalent to 10% of the population, is traditionally Castilian-speaking only, whereas Valencian is spoken to varying degrees elsewhere.
Additionally, it is also spoken by a reduced number of people in Carche, a rural area in the Region of Murcia adjoining the Valencian Community; nevertheless Valencian does not have any official recognition in this area. Although the Valencian language was an important part of the history of this zone, nowadays only about 600 people are able to speak Valencian in the area of Carche.

Knowledge and usage

In 2010 the Generalitat Valenciana published a study, Knowledge and Social use of Valencian, which included a survey sampling more than 6,600 people in the provinces of Castellón, Valencia, and Alicante. The survey simply collected the answers of respondents and did not include any testing or verification. The results were:
Valencian was the language "always, generally, or most commonly used":
For ability:
The survey shows that, although Valencian is still the common language in many areas in the Valencian Community, where slightly more than half of the Valencian population are able to speak it, most Valencians do not usually speak in Valencian in their social relations. The statistics hide the fact that in the areas where the language is still strong, most people use Valencian in preference to Castilian in all everyday situations.
Moreover, according to a survey in 2008, there is a downward trend in everyday Valencian users. The lowest numbers are in the major cities of Valencia and Alicante, where the percentage of everyday speakers is in single figures. All in all, in the 1993–2006 period, the number of speakers fell by 10 per cent. One of the factors cited is the increase in the numbers of immigrants from other countries, who tend to favour using Spanish over local languages; accordingly, the number of residents who claim no understanding of Valencian sharply increased. One curiosity in the heartlands mentioned above, is that most of the children of immigrants go to public school and are therefore taught in Valencian and are far more comfortable speaking this with their friends. However, some children of Valencian speakers go to private schools run by the Church where the curriculum is in Castilian and consequently this becomes their preferred language.

Features of Valencian

Note that this is a list of features of the main forms of Valencian as a group of dialectal varieties that differ from those of other Catalan dialects, particularly from the Central variety of the language. For more general information on the features of Valencian, see Catalan language. There is a great deal of variety within the Valencian Community, and by no means do the features below apply to every local version.



In the table below, the vowels are transcribed in a very narrow transcription. In the rest of the article, the symbols are written for the sake of simplicity.
PhonemePhone /
– Found in most instances
– Before/after palatals
– Before/after velars
– Final unstressed syllables
/ dona

– Found in most cases
– Before liquids and in monosyllabic terms

– Found in most instances
– Found in some unstressed syllables near palatals or approximants
– Found in fewer cases in some unstressed syllables near velars
– Found in the suffix -ixement, dial. also in contact with palatals.
– Found in most instances
– Unstressed position before/after vowels
– Found in most cases dona

– Found in most instances
– Found in final stressed syllables, especially in the suffix -dor
– Unstressed position before labials or in contact with palatals
– Found in most instances
– Unstressed position before/after vowels


Valencian vocuabulary contains words both restricted to the Valencian-speaking domain, as well as words shared with other Catalan varieties, especially with Northwestern ones. Words are rarely spread evenly over the Valencian community, but are usually contained to parts of it, or spread out into other dialectal areas. Examples include hui 'today' and espill 'mirror'. There is also variation within Valencia, such as 'corn', which is dacsa in Central and Southern Valencian, but panís in Alicante and Northern Valencian. Since Standard Valencian is based on the Southern dialect, words from this dialect are often used as primary forms in the standard language, despite other words traditionally being used in other Valencian dialects. Examples of this are tomaca 'tomato' and matalaf 'mattress'.
Below are a selection of words which differ or have different forms in Standard Valencian and Catalan. In many cases, both standards include this variation in their respective dictionaries, but differ as to what form is considered primary. In other cases, Valencian includes colloquial forms not present in the IEC standard. Primary forms in each standard are shown in bold. Words in brackets are present in the standard in question, but differ in meaning from how the cognate is used in the other standard.
Standard Valencian Standard Catalan English
així, aixinaaixílike this
bresquilla, préssecpréssec, peach
creïlla, patatapatata, creïllapotato
dènou, dèneu, dinoudinou, dènounineteen
dos, duesdues, dostwo
eixe, aqueixaqueix, eixethat
eixir, sortirsortir, eixirto exit, leave
engrunsadora, gronxador, gronxadoragronxador, gronxadoraswing
espill, mirallmirall, espillmirror
este, aquestaquest, estethis
estrela, estel, estrellaestel, estrela, estrellastar
hòmens, homeshomesmen
hui, avuiavui, huitoday
huit, vuitvuit, huiteight
lluny, lluntllunyfar
meló d'alger, meló d'aigua, síndriasíndria, meló d'aigua, meló d'Algerwatermelon
meua, meva
teua, teva
seua, seva
meva, meua
teva, teua
seva, seua
my, mine
mitat, meitatmeitat, mitathalf
palometa, papallonapapallona, palometabutterfly
per favorsi us plau, per favorplease
periodista, periodiste periodistajournalist
polp, poppop, polpoctopus
quint, cinquécinquè, quintfifth
rabosa, guineuguineu, rabosafox
roín, dolentdolent, bad, evil
roig, vermellvermell, roigred
sext, sisésisè, sextsixth
tindre, tenirtenir, tindreto have
tomaca, tomàquet, tomatatomàquet, tomaca, tomatatomato
vacacions, vacancesvacances, vacacionsholidays
veure, voreveureto see
vindre, venirvenir, vindreto come
xicotet, petitpetit, xicotetsmall

Varieties of Valencian

Standard Valencian

The Academy of Valencian Studies, established by law in 1998 by the Valencian autonomous government and constituted in 2001, is in charge of dictating the official rules governing the use of Valencian. Currently, the majority of people who write in Valencian use this standard.
Standard Valencian is based on the standard of the Institute of Catalan Studies, used in Catalonia, with a few adaptations. This standard roughly follows the Rules of Castelló from 1932, a set of othographic guidelines regarded as a compromise between the essence and style of Pompeu Fabra's guidelines, but also allowing the use of Valencian idiosyncrasies.

Valencian subdialects

Middle Ages

Until its dissolution in November 2013, the public-service Ràdio Televisió Valenciana was the main broadcaster of radio and television in Valencian language. The Generalitat Valenciana constituted it in 1984 in order to guarantee the freedom of information of the Valencian people in their own language. It was reopened again in 2018 in the same location but under a different name, À Punt, and it is owned by À Punt Media, a group owned by the Generalitat Valenciana. The new television channel claims to be plural, informative and neutral for all of the Valencian population. It is bilingual, with a focus on the Valencian language. It's recognised as a regional TV channel.
Prior to its dissolution, the administration of RTVV under the People's Party had been controversial due to accusations of ideological manipulation and lack of plurality. The news broadcast was accused of giving marginal coverage of the Valencia Metro derailment in 2006 and the indictment of President de la Generalitat Francisco Camps in the Gürtel scandal in 2009. Supervisors appointed by the PP were accused of sexual harassment.
In face of an increasing debt due to excessive expenditure by the PP, RTVV announced in 2012 a plan to shed 70% of its labour. The plan was nullified on 5 November 2013 by the National Court after trade unions appealed against it. On that same day, the President de la Generalitat Alberto Fabra announced RTVV would be closed, claiming that reinstating the employees was untenable. On 27 November, the legislative assembly passed the dissolution of RTVV and employees organised to take control of the broadcast, starting a campaign against the PP. Nou TV's last broadcast ended abruptly when Spanish police pulled the plug at 12:19 on 29 November 2013.
Having lost all revenues from advertisements and facing high costs from the termination of hundreds of contracts, critics question whether the closure of RTVV has improved the financial situation of the Generalitat, and point out to plans to benefit private-owned media. Currently, the availability of media in the Valencian language is extremely limited. All the other autonomous communities in Spain, including the monolingual ones, have public-service broadcasters, with the Valencian Community being the only exception despite being the fourth most populated.
In July 2016 a new public corporation, Valencian Media Corporation, was launched in substitution of RTVV. It manages and controls several public media in the Valencian Community, including the television channel À Punt, which started broadcasting in June 2018.

Politico-Linguistic controversy

Linguists, including Valencian scholars, deal with Catalan and Valencian as the same language. The official regulating body of the language of the Valencian community, the Valencian Language Academy considers Valencian and Catalan to be two names for the same language.
The AVL was established in 1998 by the PP-UV government of Eduardo Zaplana. According to El País, Jordi Pujol, then president of Catalonia and of the CiU, negotiated with Zaplana in 1996 to ensure the linguistic unity of Catalan in exchange for CiU support of the appointment of José María Aznar as Prime Minister of Spain. Zaplana has denied this, claiming that "ever, never, was I able to negotiate that which is not negotiable, neither that which is not in the negotiating scope of a politician. That is, the unity of the language".
The AVL orthography is based on the Normes de Castelló, a set of rules for writing Valencian established in 1932. A rival set of rules, called Normes del Puig, were established in 1979 by the association RACV, which considers itself a rival language academy to the AVL, and promotes an alternative orthography. Compared to Standard Valencian, this orthography excludes many words not traditionally used in the Valencian Country, and also prefers spellings such as ⟨ch⟩ for /tʃ/ and ⟨y⟩ for /j/.
Valencian is classified as a Western dialect, along with the North-Western varieties spoken in Western Catalonia. The various forms of Catalan and Valencian are mutually intelligible
Despite the position of the official organizations, an opinion poll carried out between 2001 and 2004 showed that the majority of the Valencian people consider Valencian different from Catalan: this position is promoted by people who do not use Valencian regularly. Furthermore, the data indicate that younger people educated in Valencian are much less likely to hold these views. According to an official poll in 2014, 52% of Valencians considered Valencian to be a language different from Catalan, while 41% considered the languages to be the same. This poll showed significant differences regarding age and level of education, with a majority of those aged 18–24 and those with a higher education considering Valencian to be the same language as Catalan. This can be compared to those aged 65 and above and those with only primary education, where the same view has its lowest support.
The ambiguity regarding the term Valencian and its relation to Catalan has sometimes led to confusion and controversy. In 2004, during the drafting of the European Constitution, the regional governments of Spain where a language other than Spanish is co-official were asked to submit translations into the relevant language in question. Since different names are used in Catalonia and in the Valencian Community, the two regions each provided one version, which were identical to each other.