Fernanda Melchor

Fernanda Melchor is a Mexican writer best known for her novel Hurricane Season for which she won the Anna Seghers Award and a place in the shortlist for the International Booker Prize.


Melchor obtained a degree in Journalism from Universidad Veracruzana where she was Coordinator of Communication of the Veracruz-Del Río campus.
She has published fiction and nonfiction short stories and novels in publications as The Paris Review, La Palabra y el Hombre, Excélsior, Replicante, Milenio semanal, Le Monde Diplomatique, Vice Latinoamérica, GQ Latinoamérica y Vanity Fair Latinoamerica. She began her writing career in 2013 with the publishing of Aquí no es Miami and Falsa Liebre, this last being her first novel.
Hurricane Season -a fiction novel based on the crisis of forbidden disappearance in her state, Veracruz, was featured as one of the best novels in Mexico in 2017 It has been translated to German and English by Sophie Hughes. The novel has been shortlisted for the 2020 International Booker Prize.
In 2015 she was included in a Conaculta's anthology as one of the featured Mexican authors under 40 years old.
In 2018 she won the PEN Mexico Award for Literary and Journalistic Excellence
In 2019 she won the International Literature Award as well as the Anna Seghers-Preis along with the German writer Joshua Gross.
