List of languages by type of grammatical genders

This article lists languages depending on their approach to grammatical gender.

No grammatical gender

Certain language families, such as the Austronesian, Turkic and Uralic language families, usually have no grammatical genders.
Some languages without noun class may have noun classifiers instead. This is common in East Asian languages.
In these languages, animate nouns are predominantly of common gender, while inanimate nouns may be of either gender.
In many such languages, what is commonly termed "animacy" may in fact be more accurately described as a distinction between human and non-human, rational and irrational, "socially active" and "socially passive" etc.

Masculine, feminine, and neuter

Note: in Slavic languages marked with an asterisk, traditionally only masculine, feminine and neuter genders are recognized, with animacy as a separate category for the masculine and feminine or masculine only ; the actual situation is similar to Czech.

More than three grammatical genders