Trans–New Guinea languages
Trans–New Guinea is an extensive family of Papuan languages spoken in New Guinea and neighboring islands, perhaps the third-largest language family in the world by number of languages. The core of the family is considered to be established, but its boundaries and overall membership are uncertain. The languages are spoken by around 3 million people. There have been three main proposals as to its internal classification.
History of the proposal
Although Papuan languages for the most part are poorly documented, several of the branches of Trans–New Guinea have been recognized for some time. The Eleman languages were first proposed by S. Ray in 1907, parts of Marind were recognized by Ray and JHP Murray in 1918, and the Rai Coast languages in 1919, again by Ray.The precursor of the Trans–New Guinea family was Stephen Wurm's 1960 proposal of an East New Guinea Highlands family. Although broken up by Malcolm Ross in 2005, it united different branches of what became TNG for the first time, linking Engan, Chimbu–Wahgi, Goroka, and Kainantu. Then in 1970 Clemens Voorhoeve and Kenneth McElhanon noted 91 lexical resemblances between the Central and South New Guinea and Finisterre–Huon families, which they had respectively established a few years earlier. Although they did not work out regular sound correspondences, and so could not distinguish between cognates due to genealogical relationship, cognates due to borrowing, and chance resemblances, their research was taken seriously. They chose the name Trans–New Guinea because this new family was the first to span New Guinea, from the Bomberai Peninsula of western West Irian to the Huon Peninsula of eastern PNG. They also noted possible cognates in other families Wurm would later add to TNG: Wurm's East New Guinea Highlands, Binandere in the 'Bird's Tail' of PNG, and two families that John Z'graggen would later unite in his 100-language Madang–Adelbert Range family.
In 1975 Wurm accepted Voorhoeve and McElhanon's suspicions about further connections, as well as Z'graggen's work, and postulated additional links to, among others, the languages of the island of Timor to the west of New Guinea, Angan, Goilalan, Koiarian, Dagan, Eleman, Wissel Lakes, the erstwhile Dani-Kwerba family, and the erstwhile Trans-Fly–Bulaka River family, expanding TNG into an enormous language phylum that covered most of the island of New Guinea, as well as Timor and neighboring islands, and included over 500 languages spoken by some 2 300 000 people. However, part of the evidence for this was typological, and Wurm stated that he did not expect it to stand up well to scrutiny. Although he based the phylum on characteristic personal pronouns, several of the branches had no pronouns in common with the rest of the family, or even had pronouns related to non-TNG families, but were included because they were grammatically similar to TNG. Other families that had typical TNG pronouns were excluded because they did not resemble other TNG families in their grammatical structure.
Because grammatical typology is readily borrowed—many of the Austronesian languages in New Guinea have grammatical structures similar to their Papuan neighbors, for example, and conversely many Papuan languages resemble typical Austronesian languages typologically—other linguists were skeptical. William A. Foley rejected Wurm's and even some of Voorhoeve's results, and broke much of TNG into its constituent parts: several dozen small but clearly valid families, plus a number of apparent isolates.
In 2005 Malcolm Ross published a draft proposal re-evaluating Trans–New Guinea, and found what he believed to be overwhelming evidence for a reduced version of the phylum, based solely on lexical resemblances, which retained as much as 85% of Wurm's hypothesis, though some of it tentatively.
The strongest lexical evidence for any language family is shared morphological paradigms, especially highly irregular or suppletive paradigms with bound morphology, because these are extremely resistant to borrowing. For example, if the only recorded German words were gut "good" and besser "better", that alone would be enough to demonstrate that in all probability German was related to English. However, because of the great morphological complexity of many Papuan languages, and the poor state of documentation of nearly all, in New Guinea this approach is essentially restricted to comparing pronouns. Ross reconstructed pronouns sets for Foley's basic families and compared these reconstructions, rather than using a direct mass comparison of all Papuan languages; attempted to then reconstruct the ancestral pronouns of the proto-Trans–New Guinea language, such as *ni "we", *ŋgi "you", *i "they"; and then compared poorly supported branches directly to this reconstruction. Families required two apparent cognates to be included. However, if any language in a family was a match, the family was considered a match, greatly increasing the likelihood of coincidental resemblances, and because the plural forms are related to the singular forms, a match of 1sg and 1pl, although satisfying Ross's requirement of two matches, is not actually two independent matches, again increasing the likelihood of spurious matches. In addition, Ross counted forms like *a as a match to 2sg *ga, so that all counted as matches to *ga. And although and occur in Papuan pronouns at twice the level expected by their occurrence in pronouns elsewhere in the world, they do not correlate with each other as they would if they reflected a language family. That is, it is argued that Ross's pronouns do not support the validity of Trans–New Guinea, and do not reveal which families might belong to it.
Ross also included in his proposal several better-attested families for non-pronominal evidence, despite a lack of pronouns common to other branches of TNG, and he suggested that there may be other families that would have been included if they had been better attested. Several additional families are only tentatively linked to TNG. Because the boundaries of Ross's proposal are based primarily on a single parameter, the pronouns, all internal structure remains tentative.
The languages
Most TNG languages are spoken by only a few thousand people, with only seven being spoken by more than 100,000. The most populous language outside of mainland New Guinea is Makasae of East Timor, with 100,000 speakers throughout the eastern part of the country. Enga is the most populous Trans-New Guinea language spoken in New Guinea, with more than 200,000 speakers. Golin, Sinasina, Mid Grand Valley Dani, Kamano, and Bunaq have between 50,000-100,000 speakers All other Trans–New Guinea languages have fewer than 50,000 speakers.The greatest linguistic diversity in Ross's Trans–New Guinea proposal, and therefore perhaps the location of the proto-Trans–New Guinea homeland, is in the interior highlands of Papua New Guinea, in the central-to-eastern New Guinea cordillera where Wurm first posited his East New Guinea Highlands family. Indonesian Papua and the Papuan Peninsula of Papua New Guinea have fewer and more widely extended branches of TNG, and were therefore likely settled by TNG speakers after the proto-language broke up.
Ross speculates that the TNG family may have spread with the high population densities that resulted from the domestication of taro, settling quickly in the highland valleys along the length of the cordillera but spreading much more slowly into the malarial lowlands, and not at all into areas such as the Sepik River valley where the people already had yam agriculture, which thus supported high population densities. Ross suggests that TNG may have arrived at its western limit, the islands near Timor, perhaps four to 4.5 thousand years ago, before the expansion of Austronesian into this area.
Roger Blench associates the spread of Trans–New Guinea languages with the domestication of the banana.
Wurm (1975)
The classification here follows Wurm, and includes some later modifications to his 1975 proposal.Wurm identifies the subdivisions of his Papuan classification as families, stocks, and phyla. Trans-New Guinea is a phylum in this terminology. A language that is not related to any other at a family level or below is called an isolate in this scheme.
- Oksapmin isolate
- Morwap isolate
- Molof isolate
- Usku isolate
- Tofamna isolate
- Eleman stock
- * Purari isolate
- * Kaki Ae isolate
- * Eastern Eleman family: Toaripi, Tairuma
- * Western Eleman family: Opao, Orokolo, Keuru)
- Inland Gulf family
- * Ipiko language
- * Minanibai branch: Minanibai, Tao, Mubami, Karami, Mahigi
- Kaure stock
- * Kapori isolate
- * Kaure family: Kaure, Kosadle, Narau
- Kopolom family: Kimaama, Riantana, Ndom
- Nimboran family: Gresi, Mlap, Kemtuik, Mekwei, Nimboran
- Mek family
- * Western branch: Ketengban, Sirkai, Kinome
- * Eastern branch: Una, Eipomek, Kosarek Yale, Korupun, Dagi, Sisibna, Deibula, Sela, Nalca, Nipsan
- Northern TNG superphylum
- * Border stock
- ** Waris family: Waris, Manem, Senggi, Punda-Umeda, Waina, Daonda, Auwe, Amanab
- ** Taikat family: Awyi, Taikat
- ** Bewani family: Ainbai, Umeda, Kilmeri, Ningera, Pagi
- * Tor stock
- ** Sause isolate
- ** Mawes isolate
- ** Orya isolate
- ** Tor family: Berike, Bonerif, Dabe, Mander, Itik, Keder, Kwesten, Maremgi, Wares
- Pauwasi stock
- * Eastern Pauwasi family: Yafi, Emumu
- * Western Pauwasi family: Dubu, Towei
- Senagi family: Angor, Dera
- South Bird's Head stock
- * South Bird's Head family: Barau, Weriagar, Arandai, Kokoda, Kais, Puragi, Kaburi, Kasuweri
- * Inanwatan family: Duriankere, Suabo
- * Konda-Yahadian family: Konda, Yahadian
- Timor-Alor-Pantar stock
- * Adabe isolate
- * Bunak isolate
- * Fataluku isolate
- * Kolana isolate
- * Oirata isolate
- * Maku'a isolate
- * Tanglapui family: Sawila, Kula
- * Alor-Pantar
- ** Makasai isolate
- ** Alor branch: Kamang, Abui, Adang, Hamap, Kabola, Kafoa, Kui, Kelon,
- ** Pantar branch: Blagar, Tewa, Lamma, Nedebang, Retta, Tereweng)
- Trans-Murray superstock
- * Pawaia isolate
- * Teberan family: Dadibi, Folopa
- * East Kutubuan family: Fiwaga, Foi
- Turama-Kikorian stock
- * Rumu isolate
- * Turama-Omatian family: Omati, Ikobi, Mena)
- Trans Fly-Bulaka River superstock
- * Bulaka River family: Yelmek, Maklew
- * Trans-Fly stock
- ** Moraori isolate
- ** Kiwaian family: Northeastern Kiwai, Arigibi, Southern Kiwai, Bamu, Morigi, Kerewo, Waboda
- ** Tirio family: Tirio, Bitur, Baramu, Were
- ** Eastern Trans-Fly family: Bine, Wipii, Gizra, Meriam
- ** Pahoturi family: Agöb, Idi, Waia
- ** Morehead & Upper Maro Rivers family:
- *** Yey language
- *** Nambu branch: Namo, Nambo, Neme, Namat, Nama, Nen
- *** Tonda branch: Blafe, Rema, Guntai, Kunja, Arammba, Wára, Ngkâlmpw Kanum, Bädi Kanum, Sota Kanum, Smärky Kanum
- Madang-Adelbert Range subphylum
- * Madang superstock
- ** Rai Coast stock
- *** Evapia family: Asas, Dumpu, Kesawai, Sausi, Sinsauru
- *** Mindjim family: Anjam, Bongu, Male, Sam
- *** Kabenau family: Arawum, Kolom, Siroi, Lemio, Pulabu
- *** Yaganon family: Yabong, Ganglau, Dumun, Saep
- *** Peka family: Sop, Sumau, Urigina, Danaru
- *** Nuru family: Uya, Ogea, Duduela, Kwato, Rerau, Jilim, Yangulam
- ** Mabuso stock
- *** Kare isolate
- *** Kokon family: Girawa, Munit, Kein
- *** Gum family: Amele, Bau, Gumalu, Isebe, Panim, Sihan
- *** Hanseman family: Baimak, Bagupi, Gal, Nobonob, Garus, Mawan, Matepi, Mosimo, Murupi, Nake, Rempi, Rapting, Saruga, Samosa, Utu, Wamas, Silopi, Yoidik, Wagi
- * Adelbert Range superstock
- ** Pihom-Isumrud-Mugil
- *** Bargam isolate
- *** Pihom stock
- **** Amaimon isolate
- **** Wasembo isolate
- **** Kaukombaran family: Mala, Miani, Maia
- **** Kumilan family: Bepour, Mauwake, Moere
- **** Numagenan family: Bilakura, Parawen, Ukuriguma, Usan, Yaben, Yarawata
- **** Omosan family: Pal, Kobol
- **** Tiboran family: Kowaki, Mawak, Musar, Pamosu, Wanambre
- *** Isumrud stock
- **** Dimir isolate
- **** Kowan family: Korak, Waskia
- **** Mabuan family: Malas, Brem
- ** Josephstaal-Wanang
- *** Josephstaal stock
- **** Osum isolate
- **** Wadaginam isolate
- **** Sikan family: Mum, Sileibi
- **** Pomoikan family: Anam, Anamgura, Moresada
- *** Wanang stock
- **** Paynamar isolate
- **** Atan family: Atemble, Nend
- **** Emuan family: Apali, Musak
- ** Brahman family: Biyom, Faita, Isabi, Tauya
- Main Section:
- * Eastern TNG subphylum
- ** Binanderean stock
- *** Guhu-Semane isolate
- *** Binandere family: Ambasi, Aeka, Binandere, Baruga, Doghoro, Ewage, Gaina, Hunjara, Korafe, Mawae, Orokaiva, Suena, Yega, Yekora, Zia
- ** Coral Sea Coast stock
- *** Dagan family: Daga, Ginuman, Dima, Mapena, Maiwa, Onjob, Kanasi, Turaka, Umanakaina
- *** Goilalan family: Fuyug, Tauade, Biangai-Kunimaipa-Weri
- *** Koiarian family
- **** Koiaric branch: Grass Koiari, Mountain Koiari, Koitabu
- **** Baraic branch: Barai, Ese, Namiae, Ömie
- *** Kwalean family: Humene, Uare, Mulaha
- *** Manubaran family: Doromu, Maria
- *** Mailuan family: Bauwaki, Binahari, Domu, Laua, Mailu, Morawa
- *** Yareban family: Aneme Wake, Bariji, Moikodi, Nawaru, Yareba
- * Piawi family: Hagahai, Haruai
- * Central and Western TNG subphylum
- ** Dem isolate
- ** Mor isolate
- ** Gogodala-Suki stock
- *** Suki isolate
- *** Gogodala family: Gogodala, Ari, Waruna
- ** Kayagar family: Atohwaim, Kayagar, Tamagario
- ** Mairasi-Tanahmerah stock
- *** Tanahmerah isolate
- *** Mairasi family: Semimi, Mer, Mairasi, Northeastern Mairasi
- ** West Bomberai stock
- *** Karas isolate
- *** West Bomberai family: Baham, Iha
- **Sentani family: Demta, Sentani proper: Sentani, Nafri, Tabla
- ** Wissel Lakes-Kemandoga stock
- *** Damal isolate
- *** Ekagi family: Wolani, Moni, Ekari, Auye, Dao
- ** Marind stock
- *** Boazi family: Kuni-Boazi, Zimakani
- *** Marind family: Bian Marind, Marind
- *** Yaqay family: Warkay-Bipim, Yaqay
- ** Angan family:
- *** Angaatiha language
- *** Angan proper: Simbari, Baruya, Safeyoka, Susuami, Tainae, Hamtai, Kawacha, Kamasa, Menya, Akoye, Yagwoia
- ** Dani-Kwerba stock
- *** Lowlands
- **** Isirawa isolate
- **** Massep isolate
- **** Samarokena isolate
- **** Kwerba family: Airoran, Bagusa, Kwerba, Trimuris, Kauwera, Kwerba Mamberamo
- *** Highlands
- **** Wano isolate
- **** Dani family: Hupla, Nggem, Walak, Upper Grand Valley Dani, Lower Grand Valley Dani, Mid Grand Valley Dani, Western Dani
- **** Ngalik family: Nduga, Silimo, Ninia Yali, Pass Valley Ninia, Angguruk Ninia
- ** Finisterre-Huon stock
' - *** Huon
- **** Kovai
- **** Eastern Huon: Dedua, Kube, Kâte, Borong, Mape, Migabac, Momare, Sene
- **** Western Huon: Burum, Kinalakna, Komba, Kumokio, Mese, Nabak, Nomu, Ono, Sialum, Selepet, Timbe, Tobo
- *** Finisterre
- **** Abaga
- **** Erap: Finongan, Gusan, Mamaa, Munkip, Nakama, Nimi, Nuk, Nek, Numanggang, Sauk, Uri
- **** Gusap-Mot: Madi, Iyo, Neko, Nekgini, Ngaing, Rawa, Ufim
- **** Uruwa: Nukna, Sakam, Som, Weliki, Yau
- **** Wantoat: Awara, Tuma-Irumu, Wantoat
- **** Warup: Asaro'o, Bulgebi, Degenan, Forak, Guya, Gwahatike, Muratayak, Yagomi
- **** Yupna: Bonkiman, Domung, Gabutamon, Ma, Nankina, Yopno
- ** East New Guinea Highlands stock
- *** Wiru isolate
- *** Kenati isolate
- *** Kalam family: Gants, Kalam-Kobon, Tai
- *** Eastern family
- **** Owenia language
- **** Kambaira language
- **** Tairora branch: Binumarien, South Tairoa, North Tairoa, Waffa
- **** Gapsup branch: Agarabi, Awiyaana, Awa, Gadsup, Kosena, Ontenu, Usarufa
- *** Central family
- **** Chimbu branch: Chuave, Dom, Golin, Kuman, Nomane, Salt-Yui, Sinasina
- **** Hagen branch
- ***** Melpa language
- ***** Kaugel languages: Imbongu, Mbo-Ung, Umbu-Ungu
- **** Jimi branch: Maring, Narak, Kandawo
- **** Wahgi branch: Nii, Wahgi, North Wahgi
- *** East-Central family
- **** Gende language
- **** Fore branch: Fore, Gimi
- **** Gahuku branch: Dano, Benabena, Alekano, Tokano
- **** Siane branch: Siane, Yaweyuha
- **** Kamono-Yagaria branch: Kamono, Inoke-Yate, Kanite, Keyagana, Yagaria
- *** West-Central family
- **** Huli language
- **** Enga branch: Enga, Nete, Ipili, Lembena, Bisorio
- **** Angal-Kewa branch: Kyaka, Angal, Angal Heneng, Angal Enen, Samberigi, West Kewa, East Kewa, Erave
- ** Central and South New Guinea-Kutubuan superstock
- *** Fasu isolate
- *** Central and South New Guinea stock
- **** Komyandaret language
- **** Asmat-Kamoro family: Casuarina Coast Asmat, Yaosakor Asmat, Central Asmat, North Asmat, Buruwai, Citak, Tamnim Citak, Diuwe, Kamberau, Kamoro, Sempan
- **** Awin-Pa family: Aekyowm, Kamula, Pare
- **** Awyu-Dumut family:
- ***** Sawi language
- ***** Awyu branch: Aghu-Tsakwambo, South Awyu, Central Awyu, Jair Awyu, Edera Awyu, Asue Awyu, North Awyu
- ***** Dumut branch: Atas Mandobo, Bawah Mandobo, Kombai, Wambon, Wanggom
- ***** unclassified: Korowai, North Korowai, Ketum
- **** Bosavi family: Aimele, Kaluli, Beami, Dibiyaso, Edolo, Kasua, Onobasulu, Sonia
- **** Duna-Bogaya family: Bogaya, Duna
- **** East Strickland family: Fembe, Gobasi, Kubo, Odoodee, Konai, Samo
- **** Mombum family: Koneraw, Mombum
- **** Momuna family: Momina, Momuna
- **** Ok''' family
- ***** Tangko language
- ***** Western branch: Burumakok, Kwer, Kopkaka
- ***** Lowland branch: Iwur, North Muyu, South Muyu, Ninggerum, Yonggom
- ***** Mountain branch: Bimin, Faiwol, Kauwol, Mian, Nakai, Setaman, Suganga, Ngalum, Tifal, Telefol, Urapmin
Foley (2003)
Ross (2005)
Ross does not use specialized terms for different levels of classification as Donald Laycock and Stephen Wurm did. In the list given here, the uncontroversial families that are accepted by Foley and other Papuanists and that are the building blocks of Ross's TNG are printed in boldface. Language isolates are printed in italics.Ross removed about 100 languages from Wurm's proposal, and only tentatively retained a few dozen more, but in one instance he added a language, the isolate Porome.
Ross did not have sufficient evidence to classify all Papuan groups. In addition, the classification is based on a single feature – shared pronouns, especially 1sg and 2sg – and thus is subject to false positives as well as to missing branches that have undergone significant sound changes, since he does not have the data to establish regular sound correspondences.
;Unclassified Wurmian languages
Although Ross based his classification on pronoun systems, many languages in New Guinea are too poorly documented for even this to work. Thus there are several isolates that were placed in TNG by Wurm but that cannot be addressed by Ross's classification. A few of them have since been assigned to existing branches of TNG, whereas others continue to defy classification.
- Kenati
- Komyandaret
- Massep isolate
- Molof isolate
- Momuna family
- Samarokena
- Tofamna isolate
- Usku isolate
Ross removed 95 languages from TNG. These are small families with no pronouns in common with TNG languages, but that are typologically similar, perhaps due to long periods of contact with TNG languages.
- Border and Morwap, as an independent Border family
- Isirawa, as a language isolate
- Lakes Plain, as an independent Lakes Plain family
- Mairasi, as an independent Mairasi family
- Nimboran, as an independent Nimboran family
- Piawi, as an independent Piawi family
- Senagi, as an independent Senagi family
- Sentani, within an East Bird's Head – Sentani family
- Tor and Kwerba, joined as a Tor–Kwerba family
- Trans-Fly – Bulaka River is broken into five groups: three remaining in TNG, plus the independent South-Central Papuan and Eastern Trans-Fly families.
- West Trans–New Guinea linkage ?
- *West Bomberai – Timor–Alor–Pantar
- ** Timor–Alor–Pantar families
- ** West Bomberai family
- * Paniai Lakes family
- * Dani family
- South Bird's Head family
- Tanah Merah isolate
- Mor isolate
- Dem isolate
- Uhunduni isolate
- Mek family
- ? Kaure–Kapori
- * Kapori isolate
- * Kaure family
- ? Pauwasi family
- Kayagar family
- Kolopom family
- Moraori isolate
- ? Kiwai–Porome
- * Kiwaian family
- * Porome isolate
- Marind family
- Central and South New Guinea ?
- * Asmat–Kamoro family
- * Awyu–Dumut family
- * Mombum family
- * Ok family
- Oksapmin isolate
- Gogodala–Suki family
- Tirio family
- Eleman family
- Inland Gulf family
- Turama–Kikorian family
- ? Teberan family
- ? Pawaia isolate
- Angan family
- ? Fasu family
- ? East Kutubuan family
- Duna–Pogaya family
- Awin–Pa family
- East Strickland family
- Bosavi family
- Kamula isolate
- Engan family
- Wiru isolate
- Chimbu–Wahgi family
- Kainantu–Goroka
- * Goroka family
- * Kainantu family
- Madang
- * Southern Adelbert Range–Kowan
- ** Kowan family
- ** Southern Adelbert Range
- *** Josephstaal
- **** Osum isolate
- **** Wadaginam isolate
- **** Sikan family
- **** Pomoikan family
- *** Wanang
- **** Paynamar isolate
- **** Atan family
- **** Emuan family
- *** Faita isolate
- * Rai Coast–Kalam
- ** Rai Coast family
- ** Kalam family
- * Croisilles linkage
- **Dimir-Malas
- **Kaukombar
- **Kumil
- **Tibor-Omosa
- ** Amaimon isolate
- **Numugen-Mabuso
- ***Numugen family
- ***Mabuso family
- Finisterre–Huon
- * Finisterre family
- * Huon family
- ? Goilalan family
- Southeast Papuan ? ' instead of proto-TNG *gi]
- * Koiarian family
- * Kwalean family
- * Manubaran family
- * Yareban family
- * Mailuan family
- * Dagan family
- Binanderean
- * Guhu-Samane isolate
- * Binandere family
Pawley and Hammarström (2018)
;Trans-New Guinea subgroups : 35 subgroups, 431 languages
- Madang
- Finisterre-Huon
- Kainantu-Goroka
- Ok-Oksapmin
- Anim
- Chimbu-Wahgi
- Greater Awyu
- Enga-Kewa-Huli
- Angan
- Dani
- Greater Binanderean
- Asmat-Kamoro
- Dagan
- Mailuan
- Bosavi
- Koiarian
- Mek
- East Strickland
- Kiwaian
- Goilalan
- Paniai Lakes
- Yareban
- Gogodala-Suki
- Turama-Kikori
- Kayagaric
- Kolopom
- Kutubu
- Kwalean
- West Bomberai
- Awin-Pa
- Duna-Bogaya
- Manubaran
- Somahai
- Marori
- Wiru
- Bayono-Awbono
- Komolom
- Mairasi
- Pauwasi
- Pawaian
- Sentanic
- South Bird's Head
- Tanah Merah
- Teberan
- Timor-Alor-Pantar
- Uhunduni
- Dem
- Eleman
- Kaki Ae
- Kamula
- Kaure-Narau
- Mor
- Porome
- Purari
''Glottolog'' 4.0 (2019)
- Madang
- Finisterre-Huon
- Asmat-Awyu-Ok
- Kainantu-Goroka
- Chimbu-Wahgi
- Enga-Kewa-Huli
- Dani
- Greater Binanderean
- Mek
- Paniai Lakes
Usher (2020)
- Berau Gulf
- *Mor
- *North Berau Gulf
- **Yabin
- **South Bird's Head
- *West Bomberai
- Sumuri
- West Papuan Highlands
- *Amung–Dem
- **Amung
- **Dem
- *Balim Valley
- *Paniai Lakes
- Asmat – Muli Strait
- *Asmat – Kamrau Bay
- *Muli Strait
- Cook River – Kolopom
- *Cook River
- *Kolopom
- Oksap
- Central West New Guinea
- *Digul River – Ok
- **Digul River
- **Kamula – Elevala River
- **Ok
- *Momuna–Mek
- **Mek
- **Momuna
- Papuan Plateau
- Duna–Bogaia
- Abom
- Fly River
- *Inland Gulf
- *Lake Murray
- *Lower Fly River
- *Marind–Yakhai
- Morobe – Eastern Highlands
- *Eastern Highlands
- *Finisterre–Huon
- *Kratke Range
- Papuan Peninsula
- *Meneao Range
- *Owen Stanley Range
- **Koiari – Managalas Plateau
- **Humene–Uare
- **Mount Brown
- **Cloudy Bay – Musa River
- ***Bauwaki
- ***Cloudy Bay
- ***Musa River
The families from the Ross and Glottolog classifications that are not included are Kaure, Pauwasi, Engan, Chimbu–Wahgi, Madang, Eleman, Kiwaian, Binanderean, Goilalan, and the several Papuan Gulf families. Usher only includes families that have a regular reflex of the 2sg pronoun, so there may be additional TNG families that have changed their pronouns.
Lexical semantics
A number of colexification patterns, particularly in the nominal domain, are commonly found among Trans–New Guinea languages:*
- ,