Languages of Calabria

The primary languages of Calabria are the standard Italian language as well as regional varieties of the Neapolitan and Sicilian languages, all collectively known as Calabrian. In addition, there are 100,000 Arbëresh-Albanian speakers, as well as small numbers of Calabrian Greek speakers and pockets of Occitan.

Calabrian (''Calabrese'')

Calabrian refers to the Romance varieties spoken in Calabria, Italy. The varieties of Calabria are part of a strong dialect continuum that are generally recognizable as Calabrian, but that are usually divided into two different language groups:
The Amantea-Cirò line is generally considered an approximate demarcation between the Neapolitan and Sicilian language groups.
The linguistic division roughly corresponds with the historic administrative division already in place since medieval times: Calabria Citeriore and Calabria Ulteriore. This is a broad generalization and many communities in the more central parts of the region exhibit features of both language groups.
The dialects of Calabria have been extensively studied, catalogued and commented upon by German philologist Gerhard Rohlfs. From the mid-1920s to the mid-1970s, he traveled the region extensively and assembled a very extensive, multi-volume dictionary.
EnglishSouthern CalabrianNorthern CalabrianItalian
tomorrowrumànicrai / dumànidomani
in the meantimeasciatàntu / shramèntiinterimmefrattanto
the day before lastavantèrinustierzuieri l'altro
to yawnsbadigghjàrialaresbadigliare

Central-Southern Calabrian

The areas where Central–Southern Calabrian is spoken corresponds generally to the provinces of Reggio Calabria, Vibo Valentia, Catanzaro and the southern part of Crotone. The term Sicilian-Calabrian is also used to distinguish the group from the Northern Calabrian group. It comprises Central Calabrian and Southern Calabrian.
The primary roots of the dialects is Latin. Southern and Central Calabrian dialects are strongly influenced by a Greek substratum and ensuing levels of Latin influence and other external Southern Italian superstrata, in part hindered by geography, resulted in the many local variations found between the idioms of Calabria. Nonetheless, the dialects have some influence from other languages, thanks to the periodic rule and influx of other cultures. As a result, French, Occitan and Spanish have left an imprint.
Central-Southern CalabrianGreekAlbanianItalianFrenchEnglish
bampurìddha / lampurìdda / vampurìddhaxixëllonjëlucciolaluciolefirefly
tuppitiàrigoditbatterebattreto hit

French and Norman vocabulary entered the region via the kingdoms of the Normans and the Angevins in Calabria.
Central-Southern CalabrianNorman or FrenchItalianEnglish
'ccattàriaccater comprareto buy
'ndujaandouillesalsicciottotype of sausage
arrocculàrireculerrotolareto recoil
sciarabàllucarriole veicolo sbatacchiatocharabanc
travagghiàritravaillerlavorareto work

Other words derived from Spanish, Catalan, and Occitan:

Êssiri (to be)

PresentImperfectPast simpleSubjunctive presentSubjunctive imperfect
èusugnuêrafùjachi fùssifùssi
Tuêrifùstichi fùssifùssi
Iddhu, Iddhaêstiêrafu'chi fùssifùssi
Nusímuêrumufùmmuchi fùssimufùssimu
Vusítiêrufùstuchi fùstufùssivu
Iddhisunnuêrunufúruchi fùssirufùssiru

Aìri (to have)

PresentImperfectPast simpleSubjunctive presentSubjunctive imperfect
èuhajuaìvaèppichi aìssiaìssi
Tuhaiaíviaìstichi aìssiaìssi
Iddhu, Iddhahaviaìvaèppichi aìssiaìssi
Nuiaìmuaìvumuèppimuchi aìssimuaìssimu
Vuiaítiaìvuaistuchi aìssivuaìssivu
Iddhihannuaìvunuèppiruchi aìssiruaìssiru


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed eguali in dignità e diritti. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza.

Northern Calabrian (Cosentian)

The Northern Calabrian dialects are similar to other Neapolitan varieties and are significantly different from the dialects of southern Calabria. The dialects of the northern fringes of the Province of Cosenza give way to Campanian and Lucanian dialects; however, the majority of the province speaks the Cosentian dialect. It is also spoken in the northern portion of the Province of Crotone and in the extreme northwest of the Province of Catanzaro.
One aspect of Northern Calabrian is that the use of the preterite is almost absent, in great contrast to the Sicilian varieties of the south. In Cosentian, the norm is he pigliatu or signu jutu ; whereas the preterite pigghiai or ivi would be more common in the rest of Calabria. Other aspects are the phonetic modifications similar to other Neapolitan dialects, such as where -nt is pronounced -nd, and v is usually pronounced b. In addition, spoken Cosentian is noted for its "soft" truncation of end syllables at the termination of sentences, and for the typical T/C sound in words such as ccjù or cjanu''. As a transitional dialect between Sicilian and Neapolitan, Cosentian dialect shares many sounds, words and features unique to each of the Sicilian and Neapolitan groups.


Êsse (to be)

PresentImperfectPast simpleSubjunctive presentSubjunctive imperfect
Iusignuêrasignu statufossa
Tuêrisì statufossi
Iddru, Iddraèêraè statufossa
Nuasímuêramusimu statifossimu
Vuasítiêratisiti statifossati
Iddriêranusù statifòssaru

Avì (to have)

PresentImperfectPast simpleSubjunctive presentSubjunctive imperfect
Iuhajuavìahe avutuavissa
Tuha'aviiha' avutuavissi
Iddru, Iddraavìahà avutuavissa
Nuaavìmuavìamuhamu avutuavìssamu
Vuaavítiavìatihat'avutu or avít' avutuavvissati
Iddrihannuavìanuhannu avutuavissaru

Comparison of Central-Southern and Northern Calabrian

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed eguali in dignità e diritti. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza.